
Jubilee! Finally, my time has come

It’s been a long year since we first began

You were created from my ambition

A mixture of passion & aggression

Jubilee! I celebrate you for different reasons

The love, the support, but mainly my own strength

I didn’t think I’d make it this far

I’ve had many rough patches

 & at times, you were too much to take

 I let life’s little tiff’s consume me

I let the negative thoughts overtake my mind

I tossed you aside, I forgot about you

And for a moment, I was lost

Jubilee, was it my low confidence?

Or was I so blind by the adversity?

You are my unmistakable perfection

I can never leave you

The fire that burns inside of me, was ignited by you

Jubilee, you are me & I am you

So here is to you, my creation

My origination, my achievement, & my greatest invention

You will birth a new generation, that will set the foundation

For others to pro-create something similar to you

Jubilee, I love you & I thank you!

By: Elly J.